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Tudo que Vitinhows postou

  1. então cara, pra MIM gorduras um pouco mais elevadas são melhores, me dou bem com menos carbo.. a dieta tá legal.. e como você disse que come bastante arroz e feijão, vai dar mais que aquilo só de carboidratos então tá de boa.. testa ela por 1~2 semanas, e vai conhecendo melhor seu corpo e adaptando-a conforme for necessário..
  2. "Pra caralho Arroz branco Pra caralho Feijao" hauehauehauhe curti a dieta, pode abaixa um pouco carbos e por mais gordura, tenta deixar os carbos em 4~5 e pouco g/kg
  3. curti, mas acho que poderia tirar um pouco de carbo e por em gord./prot, apesar dos valores estarem legais, acho que quase 600g de carbo muito, porém se não se preocupa com carbs, manda bala que tá top
  4. to ligado.. to fazendo o treino do agaboy por enquanto, é tenho um fb pronto também.. esse treino talvez eu faça algum dia
  5. Peguei os exemplos do Agaboy, e montei esse FullBody. Na minha opinião, ficou legal, mas e ai? Aquecimento 5 minutos correndo Pull-up 3 séries Chin-up 4 séries Bench dips 3 séries Push-ups 4 séries Pike press 2 séries Plank 3 séries Bicycle crunch 3 séries Elevação de pernas 4 séries Walking lunges 3 séries Squats 4 séries Coloquei o Pike press e bench dips até conseguir fazer paralelas e flexão de ponta cabeça livre (não lembro o nome haeuhaueha)
  6. Boa noite galera, encontrei um E-Book de BW que consiste em 3 ciclos de 6 semanas cada, treinando 3 vezes na semana. Retirei apenas o treino, e vou postar aqui os 3 ciclos. Está em inglês, mas com um pouco de conhecimento, dá pra entender perfeitamente... “Tabata” consiste em descansar apenas 10 segundos e fazer 8 rounds. Bodyweight Workout: Cycle 1 Bodyweight Workout: Cycle 1, Week 1, Day 1 Week 1, Day 1: Interval Day Rest 1 minute between sets. A. 1 minute Squat-Thrust-Burpee 1 minute Strict Push Ups 1 minute Alternating Abdominal Bicycles B. 4 Rounds: 30 seconds Handstand Hold 30 seconds Air Squats 1 minute Double Raised legs C. 4 Rounds: 30 seconds of Bird Pickers (right leg) 30 seconds of Bird Pickers (left leg) 10 Unbroken Knees to Elbows 1 minute Janda Situps D. 4 Rounds: 30 seconds Plank to Push Up (alternating sides) 30 seconds Star Jumps 1 minute Alternating Abdominal Single Leg Lift Twist E. 2 Rounds: 1 minute of Inchworm Push Ups 1 minute of Lunges 1 minute Kimura Situps F. 2 Rounds: 1 minute of Alternating Air Squat with a kick 5 Diamond Push Ups 20 seconds Plank G. 1 minute Burpee, with alternating side jump to right and left 1 minute Forward Bend to Kick Through, alternating on the right and left 1 minute Abdominal Around the Worlds H. 4 Rounds: 30 seconds of Dive Bomber Push Ups to Cobra 30 seconds Alternating One-Arm Tapping Push Up or Clapping Push Up 1 minute Double Raised Legs Bodyweight Workout: Cycle 1, Week 1, Day 2 A. Air Squats Push Ups Alternating Lunges Burpees Rest 2 minutes B. Hollow Rock Superman V-ups Bodyweight Workout: Cycle 1, Week 1, Day 3 A. 4x Max effort Pull Ups 4x 10 Dragon Flags Rest 2 minutes between sets B. 5 Rounds: 5 Dips, using box 10 Box Jumps 15 Janda Sit Ups Bodyweight Workout: Cycle 1, Week 2, Day 1 A. 1 minute Squat-Thrust-Burpee 1 minute Strict Push Ups 1 minute Alternating Abdominal Bicycles B. 4 Rounds: 30 seconds Handstand hHold 30 seconds Air Squats 1 minute Double Raised Legs C. 2 Rounds: 1 minute of Jump Squats 10 Forward Lunges on right and left leg 1 minute Janda Sit Ups D. 4 Rounds: 30 seconds Plank to Push Up, alternating arms 30 seconds Star Jumps 1 minute Alternating Abdominal Single Leg Lift Twist E. 2 Rounds: 1 minute of Inchworm Push Ups 1 minute of Lunges 1 minute Kimura Sit Ups F. 2 Rounds: 1 minute of Alternating Air Squat with a kick 5 Diamond Push Ups 20 seconds Plank G. 1 minute Burpee, with alternating side jump to right and left 1 minute Forward Bend to Kick-Through, alternating right and left 1 minute Abdominal Around the Worlds H. 4 Rounds: 30 seconds of Dive Bomber Push Ups to Cobra 30 seconds Alternating One Arm Tapping Push Up or Clapping Push Up x4 1 minute Double Raised Legs Bodyweight Workout: Cycle 1, Week 2, Day 2 A. Air Squats Burpees V-ups Air Squats (Rest as needed) B. Plank Slide Plank (alternating right and left) Forearm Plank Bodyweight Workout: Cycle 1, Week 2, Day 3 A. 4x Max Effort Push Ups, minus 1 4x 10 Unbroken Toes to Bar Rest 2 minutes between sets. B. 3 Rounds: 5 Pull Ups 10 Box Jumps 20 Slow Alternating Abdominal Bicycles Bodyweight Workout: Cycle 1, Week 3, Day 1 A. 1 minute Squat-Thrust-Burpee 1 minute Strict Push Ups 1 minute Alternating Abdominal Bicycles B. 4 Rounds: 30 seconds Handstand Hold 30 seconds Air Squats 1 minute Double Raised Legs C. 1 minute Squat-Thrust-Burpee 1 minute Strict Push Ups 1 minute Janda Sit Ups D. 4 Rounds: 30 seconds Plank to Push Up, alternating arms 30 seconds Star Jumps 1 minute Alternating Abdominal Single Leg Lift Twist E. 2 Rounds: 1 minute of Inchworm Push Ups 1 minute of Lunges 1 minute Kimura Sit Ups F. 2 Rounds: 1 minute of Alternating Air Squat with a kick 5 Diamond Push Ups 20 seconds of Plank G. 1 minute Burpee, with alternating side jump to right and left 1 minute Forward Bend to Kick Through, alternating on the right and left 1 minute Abdominal Around the Worlds H. 4 Rounds: 30 seconds of Dive Bomber Push Ups to Cobra 30 seconds Alternating One Arm Tapping Push Up or Clapping Push Up 1 minute Double Raised Legs Bodyweight Workout: Cycle 1, Week 3, Day 2 A. Air Squats Push Ups Alternating Lunges Burpees Rest at least 2 minutes B. Hollow Rock Superman V-ups Bodyweight Workout: Cycle 1, Week 3, Day 3 A. 4x Max Effort Pull Ups 4x 10 Dragon Flags Rest 2 minutes between sets B. 5 rounds: 5 Dips with box 10 Box Jumps 15 Janda Sit Ups Bodyweight Workout: Cycle 1, Week 4, Day 1 A. 1 minute Squat-Thrust-Burpee 1 minute Strict Push Ups 1 minute Alternating Abdominal Bicycles B. 4 Rounds: 30 seconds Handstand Hold 30 seconds Air Squats 1 minute Double Raised legs C. 4 Rounds: 30 seconds of Bird Pickers (right leg) 30 seconds of Bird Pickers (left leg) 10 Unbroken Knees to Elbows 1 minute Janda Situps D. 4 Rounds: 30 seconds Plank to Push Up (alternating sides) 30 seconds Star Jumps 1 minute Alternating Abdominal Single Leg Lift Twist E. 2 Rounds: 1 minute of Inchworm Push Ups 1 minute of Lunges 1 minute Kimura Situps F. 2 Rounds: 1 minute of Alternating Air Squat with a kick 5 Diamond Push Ups 20 seconds Plank G. 1 minute Burpee, with alternating side jump to right and left 1 minute Forward Bend to Kick Through, alternating on the right and left 1 minute Abdominal Around the Worlds H. 4 Rounds: 30 seconds of Dive Bomber Push Ups to Cobra 30 seconds Alternating One-Arm Tapping Push Up or Clapping Push Up 1 minute Double Raised Legs Bodyweight Workout: Cycle 1, Week 4, Day 2 A. Air Squats Push Ups Alternating Lunges Burpees Rest as needed. B. Hollow Rock Superman V-ups Bodyweight Workout: Cycle 1, Week 4, Day 3 A. 4x Max Effort Pull Ups 4x 10 Dragon Flags Rest 2 minutes between sets B. 5 rounds: 5 Unbroken Dips with box 10 Burpee Box Jumps 15 Janda Sit Ups Bodyweight Workout: Cycle 1, Week 5, Day 1 A. 1 minute squat-thrust-burpee 1 minute strict push ups 1 minute alternating abdominal bicycles B. 4 Rounds: 30 seconds handstand hold 30 seconds air squats 1 minute double raised legs C. 1 minute Squat-Thrust-Burpee 1 minute Strict Push Ups 1 minute Alternating Abdominal Bicycles D. 4 Rounds: 30 seconds Plank to Push Up , alternating right and left 30 seconds Star Jumps 1 minute Alternating Abdominal Single Leg Lift Twist E. 2 Rounds: 1 minute of Inchworm Push Ups 1 minute of Lunges 1 minute Kimura Sit Ups F. 2 Rounds: 1 minute of Alternating Air Squat with a kick 5 Diamond Push Ups 20 seconds of Plank G. 1 minute Burpee with alternating side jump to right and left 1 minute Forward Bend to Kick Through, alternating on the right and left 1 minute Abdominal Around the Worlds H. 4 Rounds: 30 seconds of Dive Bomber Push Ups to Cobra 30 seconds Alternating One Arm Tapping Push Up or Clapping Push Up 1 minute Double Raised Legs Bodyweight Workout: Cycle 1, Week 5, Day 2 A. Star Jumps Push Ups Alternating Lunges V-ups Rest as needed B. Janda Sit Up Unweighted Turkish Get Up Bodyweight Workout: Cycle 1, Week 5, Day 3 A. 4x5 Pull Ups 4x10 Knees to Elbows Rest 2 minutes between sets B. 4 Rounds: 400 meter Run or Row 25 Air Squats Bodyweight Workout: Cycle 1, Week 6, Day 1 A. 1 minute Squat-Thrust-Burpee 1 minute Strict Push Ups 1 minute Alternating Abdominal Bicycles B. 4 Rounds: 30 seconds Handstand Hold 30 seconds Air Squats 1 minute Double Raised Legs C. 4 Rounds: 30 seconds of Bird Pickers (Right leg) 30 seconds of Bird Pickers (Left leg) 10 unbroken Knees to Elbows 1 minute Janda Sit Ups D. 4 Rounds: 30 seconds Plank to Push Up, alternating arms 30 seconds Star Jumps 1 minute Alternating Abdominal Single Leg Lift Twist E. 2 Rounds: 1 minute of Inchworm Push Ups 1 minute of Lunges 1 minute Kimura Sit Ups F. 2 Rounds: 1 minute of Alternating Air Squat with a kick 5 Diamond Push Ups 20 seconds Plank G. 1 minute Burpee with alternating side jump to right and left 1 minute Forward Bend to Kick Through, alternating on the right and left 1 minute Abdominal Around the Worlds H. 4 Rounds: 30 seconds of Dive Bomber Push Ups to Cobra 30 seconds Alternating One Arm Tapping Push Up or Clapping Push Up 1 minute Double Raised Legs Bodyweight Workout: Cycle 1, Week 6, Day 2 A. Air Squats Push Ups Alternating Flying Lunges Burpees Rest as needed B. Hollow Rock Superman V ups Bodyweight Workout: Cycle 1, Week 6, Day 3 A. 4x Max Effort Push Ups, minus 1 4x 10 Unbroken Toes to Bar Rest 2 minutes between sets. B. 3 Rounds: 5 Pull Ups 10 Box Jumps 20 Slow Alternating Abdominal Bicycles Bodyweight Workout: Cycle 2 Bodyweight Workout: Cycle 2, Week 1, Day 1 A. 5 Rounds (all movements unbroken): 5 Close Grip Push Ups 10 Leg Raises with hands behind head 25 Air Squats B. 5 Rounds, rest 1 minute between rounds: 30 Seconds Plank to Push Up 30 Seconds Mountain Climbers 30 Seconds Side Plank Crunch Right 30 Seconds Side Plank Crunch Left Bodyweight Workout: Cycle 2, Week 1, Day 2 A. Handstand Holds at Wall for 10-15 minutes (Work through variations of holds, one leg touching wall, no wall, one leg to parallel, alternating knees to chest, etc.) B. Tabata: Horse Stance Squats Dragon Flags Hindu Push Ups Bridges Bodyweight Workout: Cycle 2, Week 1, Day 3 A. 5x5 Tempo Strict Push Up ( 1-2-3 down 1-2-3 up) 5x1 Pistol (One Legged Squat) B. 5 Rounds: 30 Seconds Burpees 30 Seconds Bear Crawls 30 Forearm Plank Hold Rest 20 seconds between rounds. Bodyweight Workout: Cycle 2, Week 2, Day 1 A. 5x5 Staggered Push Up (on each side) 5x5 Cossack Squat (on each side) B. 5 Rounds: 30 Seconds Hollow Rock 30 Seconds Flying Lunges 30 Seconds Superman Rest 30 seconds between rounds. Bodyweight Workout: Cycle 2, Week 2, Day 2 A. Handstand Holds at Wall for 10-15 minutes (Work through variations of holds, one leg touching wall, no wall, one leg to parallel, alternating knees to chest) B. Tabata: Horse Stance Squats Dragon Flags Hindu Push Ups Bridges Bodyweight Workout: Cycle 2, Week 2, Day 3 A. 5x5 Tempo Strict Push Up ( 1-2-3-4 down, 1-2-3-4 up) 5x2 Pistols B. 5 Rounds: 30 Seconds Burpees with Push Up 30 Seconds Bear Crawls 30 Seconds Forearm Plank Hold Rest between rounds 45 seconds Bodyweight Workout: Cycle 2, Week 3, Day 1 A. 5x8 One Arm Raised Push Up (use medicine ball or kettlebell) 5x25 Crossed Arms Squats (unbroken) Rest 1 minute between rounds Bodyweight Workout: Cycle 2, Week 3, Day 2 A. Handstand Holds at Wall for 10-15 minutes (Work through variations of holds - one leg touching wall, no wall, one leg to parallel, alternating knees to chest.) B. Tabata: Horse Stance Squats Dragon Flags Hindu Push Ups Bridges Bodyweight Workout: Cycle 2, Week 3, Day 3 A. 5x (All movements unbroken): 5 Close Grip Push Ups 10 Leg Raises with hands behind head 15 Air Squats B. 30 Seconds Spiderman Push Up on right side 30 Seconds Janda Sit Ups 30 Seconds Spiderman Push Ups on left side 30 Seconds Janda Sit ups Bodyweight Workout: Cycle 2, Week 4, Day 1 A. One Arm Raised Push Up (use medicine ball or kettlebell): 5x5 Burpees: 5x5 Rest 1 minute between rounds B. Spend 10-15 Minutes Working Through One-Arm Wall Push Ups C. 5 Rounds: 30 Seconds Inchworm Push Ups with Jump Through 30 Seconds Abdominal Bicycles 30 Seconds Forearm Plank Hold Rest 20 seconds between rounds Bodyweight Workout: Cycle 2, Week 4, Day 2 A. Handstand Holds at Wall for 10-15 minutes (Work through variations of holds - one leg touching wall, no wall, one leg to parallel, alternating knees to chest.) B. Tabata: Horse Stance Squats Dragon Flags Hindu Push Ups Bridges Bodyweight Workout: Cycle 2, Week 4, Day 3 A. One Arm Raised Push Up (use medicine ball or kettlebell): 5x5 Burpees: 5x20 Rest 1 minute between rounds B. Spend 10 minutes working through One-Arm Wall Push Ups C. 5 Rounds: 30 Seconds Inchworm Push Ups with Jump Through 30 Seconds Abdominal Bicycles 30 Seconds Side Plank Hold Right and Left Sides Rest 20 seconds between rounds D. 3 Rounds: 30 seconds Plank to Push Up 30 seconds Mountain Climbers Rest between rounds 20 seconds Bodyweight Workout: Cycle 2, Week 5, Day 1 A. One Arm Raised Push Up (use medicine ball or kettlebell): 5x5 Burpees: 5x5 Rest 1 minute between rounds B. Spend 10-15 minutes working through One-Arm Wall Push Ups C. 5 Rounds: 30 Seconds Inchworm Push Ups with Jump Through 30 Seconds Abdominal Bicycles Rest 20 seconds between rounds Bodyweight Workout: Cycle 2, Week 5, Day 2 A. Handstand Holds at Wall for 10-15 minutes (Work through variations of holds - one leg touching wall, no wall, one leg to parallel, alternating knees to chest.) B. Tabata: Horse Stance Squats Dragon Flags Hindu Push Ups Bridges Bodyweight Workout: Cycle 2, Week 5, Day 3 A. 5 Rounds: 5 Raised One Arm Push Up with medicine ball/kettlebell 10 Bridges 15 Air Squats 20 Kimura Sit Ups B. 3 Rounds: 30 seconds Plank to Push Up 30 seconds Mountain Climbers 30 seconds Side Plank Hold Right and Left Sides Rest 20 seconds between rounds Bodyweight Workout: Cycle 2, Week 6, Day 1 A. 5x5: One Arm Raised Push Up (Use medicine ball or kettlebell) 5x20: Burpees Rest 1 minute between rounds B. Spend 10-15 minutes working through One-armed Wall Push Ups C. 5 Rounds: 30 seconds Inchworm Push Ups with Jump Through 30 seconds Abdominal Bicycles Rest 20 seconds between rounds Bodyweight Workout: Cycle 2, Week 6, Day 2 A. Handstand Holds at Wall for 10-15 minutes (work through variations of holds, one leg touching wall, no wall, one leg to parallel, alternating knees to chest) B. Tabata Horse Stance Squats Dragon Flags Hindu Push Ups Bridges Bodyweight Workout: Cycle 2, Week 6, Day 3 A. 5 Rounds: 5 Raised One Arm Push Up with Medicine Ball/Kettlebell 10 Bridges 15 Air Squats 20 Kimura Sit Ups B. 3 Rounds: 30 seconds Plank to Push Up 30 seconds Mountain Climbers 30 seconds Side Plank Hold Right and Left Sides Rest 20 seconds between rounds Bodyweight Workout: Cycle 3 Bodyweight Workout: Cycle 3, Week 1, Day 1 A. 5x3 Kneeling One Arm Push Up on Each Side 5x3 Pistols B. 3x 1 Minute of Squat to Lunge Alternating Sides 1 Minute of Abdominal Bicycles Max Handstand Hold at Wall C. 4x 30 Seconds Spiderman Push Up Right Side 30 Seconds Janda Sit Ups 30 Seconds Spiderman Push Ups Left Side 30 Seconds Janda Sit ups Bodyweight Workout: Cycle 3, Week 1, Day 2 A. Tabata: Diamond Push ups Jump Squats Janda Sit Ups Cossack Squats B. Tabata: Superman Hollow Rock Mountain Climbers Bodyweight Workout: Cycle 3, Week 1, Day 3 A. 5x5 Kneeling One Arm Push Up on Each Side 5x25 Crossed Arms Air Squats (unbroken) B. 3 x 1 Minute Rounds: Squat to Lunge Alternating Legs Side Plank to Push Up Abdominal Around the Worlds (Rest 45 seconds between rounds) Bodyweight Workout: Cycle 3, Week 2, Day 1 A. 5 Rounds: 2-4 Negative One Arm Push Ups B. 3 Rounds: 1 Minute of Squat to Lunge Alternating Sides 1 Minute of Abdominal Bicycles Max Handstand Hold at Wall C. 4 Rounds: 30 Seconds Spiderman Push Up Right Side 30 Seconds Janda Sit Ups 30 Seconds Spiderman Push Ups Left Side 30 Seconds Janda Sit ups Bodyweight Workout: Cycle 3, Week 2, Day 2 A. Tabata: Diamond Push ups Jump Squats Janda Sit Ups Cossack Squats B. Tabata: Superman Hollow Rock Mountain Climbers Bodyweight Workout: Cycle 3, Week 2, Day 3 A. 5x3 Negative One Arm Push Ups 5x30 Seconds Handstand Holds B. 3 x 1 Minute Rounds: Squat to Lunge Alternating Legs Side Plank to Push Up Abdominal Around the Worlds (Rest 45 seconds between rounds) Bodyweight Workout: Cycle 3, Week 3, Day 1 A. 5x10 Close Grip Push Up *(unbroken sets) 5x30 Seconds Cossack Squat (Rest 1 Minute between sets) B. 3 Rounds: 1 Minute of Squat to Lunge Alternating Sides 1 Minute of Abdominal Bicycles Max Handstand Hold at Wall C. 4 Rounds: 30 Seconds Spiderman Push Up Right Side 30 Seconds Janda Sit Ups 30 Seconds Spiderman Push Ups Left Side 30 Seconds Janda Sit ups Bodyweight Workout: Cycle 3, Week 3, Day 2 A. Tabata: Diamond Push ups Jump Squats Janda Sit Ups Cossack Squats B. Tabata: Superman Hollow Rock Mountain Climbers Bodyweight Workout: Cycle 3, Week 3, Day 3 A. 5x5 Negative One Arm Push Ups 5x25 Crossed Arms Air Squats B. 3 Rounds: 1 Minute of Squat to Lunge Alternating Sides 1 Minute of Abdominal Bicycles Max Handstand Hold at Wall C. 4 Rounds: 30 Seconds Spiderman Push Up Right Side 30 Seconds Janda Sit Ups 30 Seconds Spiderman Push Ups Left Side 30 Seconds Janda Sit ups Bodyweight Workout: Cycle 3, Week 4, Day 1 A. 5x5 One Arm Wall Push Up 5x5 Pistols B. 5 Rounds: 30 Seconds Inchworm Push Ups with Jump Through 30 Seconds Abdominal Bicycles 30 Seconds Forearm Plank Hold Rest 20 seconds between rounds. Bodyweight Workout: Cycle 3, Week 4, Day 2 A. Tabata: Diamond Push ups Jump Squats Janda Sit Ups Cossack Squats B. Tabata: Superman Hollow Rock Mountain Climbers Bodyweight Workout: Cycle 3, Week 4, Day 3 A. Spend 10-15 minutes working through One Arm Push Up variations and progressions (try to work through at least 5 sets of 2-3 on each side with wide legs). B. 3 x 1 Minute Rounds: Squat to Lunge Alternating Legs Side Plank to Push Up Abdominal Around the Worlds (Rest 45 seconds between rounds) Bodyweight Workout: Cycle 3, Week 5, Day 1 A. Spend 10-15 minutes working through One Arm Push Up variations and progressions (try to work through at least 5 sets of 2-3 on each side with wide legs). B. 5x 30 Seconds Inchworm Push Ups with Jump Through 30 Seconds Abdominal Bicycles 30 Seconds Air Squat with Crossed Arms Rest 20 seconds between rounds. Bodyweight Workout: Cycle 3, Week 5, Day 2 A. Tabata: Diamond Push ups Jump Squats Janda Sit Ups Cossack Squats B. Tabata: Superman Hollow Rock Mountain Climbers Bodyweight Workout: Cycle 3, Week 5, Day 3 A. Spend 10-15 minutes working through one arm push up variations and progressions (try to work through at least 5 sets of 1-3 on each side with wide legs). B. 3 Rounds: 1 Minute of Squat to Lunge Alternating Sides 1 Minute of Abdominal Bicycles Max Handstand Hold at Wall C. 4 Rounds: 30 Seconds Spiderman Push Up Right Side 30 Seconds Janda Sit Ups 30 Seconds Spiderman Push Ups Left Side 30 Seconds Janda Sit ups Bodyweight Workout: Cycle 3, Week 6, Day 1 A. Spend 10-15 minutes working through one arm push up variations and progressions (try to work through at least 5 sets of 2-3 on each side with legs closer). B. 5 Rounds: 30 Seconds Inchworm Push Ups with Jump Through 30 Seconds Abdominal Bicycles 30 Seconds Air Squat with Crossed Arms Rest between rounds 20 seconds Bodyweight Workout: Cycle 3, Week 6, Day 2 A. Tabata: Diamond Push Ups Jump Squats Janda Sit Ups Cossack Squats B. Tabata: Superman Hollow Rock Mountain Climbers Bodyweight Workout: Cycle 3, Week 6, Day 3 A. Work through one arm push up variations and progressions for 10 - 15 minutes. B. 3 x 1 Minute Rounds: Squat to Lunge Alternating Legs Side Plank to Push Up Abdominal Around the Worlds Rest 45 seconds between rounds. É isso. Qualquer erro vou arrumando, abraço
  7. Se é A e C, porque tem B e D? oO Procure sobre treinos FB 3x, foque nos compostos e progressão de cargas..
  8. Show em TsuG! Parabéns. Tá conseguindo usar o SketchUp?
  9. cara, posta a dieta e faz um treino.. geralmente o dos instrutores são lixos
  10. vlw pela correção. só havia lido superficialmente, mas o artigo e os resultados são simplesmente impressionantes!
  11. olha o tópico do iceman de panturrilhas gigantes, muito bom
  12. o cara vai ver nos negócio do ander mano, 4l já acho muito, em bulk bebo 2,5l e NÃO sou retido, eu só subiria fat, prot está ok
  13. cara, acho que sua tmb tá superestimada.. Eu particularmente testaria essa dieta e se demorar muito pra subir o peso, sobe um pouquinho de gorduras pra fechar..
  14. então subir a gordura da conta cara.. sobe fat e abaixa os carnb
  15. vai subindo as kcal de vagar, até chegar pouco acima da sua tmb, tu precisa de massa cara.. eu já começaria o bulk
  16. no começo deu uma inchada, mas depois ficou suave, bf não subiu, pode até der diminuído um pouco.. to curtindo assim, faz o teste.. pra mim deu certo, li aqui mesmo, acho que o planeta disse: " se tem dificuldade em ganhar peso usa mais carb, se tem facilidade em acumular gordura usa mais fat" algo assim.. enfim, faz o teste e tire suas conclusões com seu corpo..
  17. bem baixo também, cerca 200kcal.. to com 150 de prot, 100 de fat e apenas 227 de carb..
  18. cara, apesar de cada corpo ser cada corpo, to curtindo usar bastante fat e menos carb, to com 2,3g prot, 3,7 carb e 1,7 se não me engano de fat, to curtindo os resultados até agora..
  19. já falaram usa 5x5 ou 4x6 nos compostos pra progredir, se quiser usa 3x8 nos isoladores, terra 3x3,3x5 ou 1x5, poe abs por ultimo se fizer muita questão, e abs uso 3x15. agachamento é livre né?
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