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Duvida Whey+Malto


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Queria saber se eu tomar whey sem a malto prejudicara os meus resultados

Pois uso meu almoco como pre-treino e creio q minha insulina nao esteja baixa e meu corpo ainda esta usando a energia do alimento. Depois de 10~15 minutos depois do treino mando Whey concentrado+Creatina(Growth).

Estou com a mesma dúvida, eu estou evitando tomar malto pós-treino, estou mandando apenas Whey.

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Vc não precisa de malto no pós treino, pois o pico de insulina não é necessário.



Esse artigo (escrito por Alan Aragon), explicando que vc não precisa de shake de rápida absorção no pós treino pois a janela anabólica dura 24 horas::

Por Alan Aragon:

The postexercise "anabolic window" is a highly misused & abused concept (which I believe Layne agrees with). Preworkout nutrition all but cancels the urgency, unless you're an endurance athlete with multiple glycogen-depleting events in a single day. Getting down to brass tacks, a relatively recent study (Power et al. 2009) showed that a 45g dose of whey protein isolate takes appx 50 minutes to cause blood AA levels to peak. Resulting insulin levels, which peaked at 40 minutes after ingestion, remained at elevations known to max out the inhibition of muscle protein breakdown (15-30 mU/L) for 120 minutes after ingestion. This dose takes 3 hours for insulin & AA levels to return to baseline from the point of ingestion. The inclusion of carbs to this dose would cause AA & insulin levels to peak higher & stay elevated above baseline even longer.

So much for the anabolic peephole & the urgency to down AAs during your weight training workout; they are already seeping into circulation (& will continue to do so after your training bout is done). Even in the event that a preworkout meal is skipped, the anabolic effect of the postworkout meal is increased as a supercompensatory response (Deldicque et al, 2010). Moving on, another recent study (Staples et al, 2010) found that a substantial dose of carbohydrate (50g maltodextrin) added to 25g whey protein was unable to further increase postexercise net muscle protein balance compared to the protein dose without carbs. Again, this is not to say that adding carbs at this point is counterproductive, but it certainly doesn't support the idea that you must get your lightning-fast postexercise carb orgy for optimal results.

Estudos científicos:

nother common thing I hear... You MUST IMMEDIATELY take a fast-digesting protein, such as whey, prior to working out to stimulate the best gains.


This study showed that immediate responses to whey and casein ingestion were different... But the end result was the same. They both stimulated protein synthesis equally.


This study shows almost exactly the same thing. Both proteins caused equal protein synthesis.

These findings are only compounded by having solid pre workout nutrition. A quote by Alan Aragon states: "Properly done preworkout nutrition EASILY elevates insulin above and beyond the maximal threshold seen to inhibit muscle protein breakdown. This insulin elevation resulting from the preworkout meal can persist long after your resistance training bout is done. Therefore, thinking you need to spike anything is only the result of neglecting your preW nutrition"

Myth, again, DENIED! You do not need a fast-digesting protein immediately postworkout. Nor do you need ANY protein post workout provided you are not lifting in a fasted state.

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Mano, lógico que precisa. Tomar whey depois do treino sem carboidratos necessários só vai fazer com que ele reponha

sua energia! Agora com malto e dextrose junto com whey, fazem as fibras musculares se reconstruir, que é o certo!


Vc leu o estudo científico que passei??

Se não, por favor leia.

Editado por Cido77
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Vc leu o estudo científico que passei??

Se não, por favor leia.

Agora que eu li o estudo científico que você passou, e eu parei de tomar Malto pensando nisso mesmo. Como minha refeição pré-treino já me fornece um pico de insulina, não há o porque de tomar Malto pós-treino. Porém, antes eu pensava que era essencial e indubitável de que Whey + Malto tinha que ser tomado urgentemente no pós-treino.

Legal esse artigo, me esclareceu uma monte de dúvidas.


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Vc leu o estudo científico que passei??

Se não, por favor leia.

Cara... Minha vida inteira eu fiz isso, nunca aconteceu nada, e sempre tive ganhos. Não é por causa de um estudo científico que eu irá mudar

de pensamento e ideologia... eu confio em mim primeiro de tudo. você não sabe se meu prétreino é uma merda, ué. cada corpo reage de uma


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